• Question: What do you like about forensic science?

    Asked by oldshrimp to Mark on 11 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Mark Hill

      Mark Hill answered on 11 Mar 2011:

      In a couple of short paragraphs:-
      1) Making sense out of non-sense. Being at a chaotic collision scene and, having conducted my examination, being able to later on tell people, the courts, or other people what happened, what went wrong, and sometimes, how it can be avioded in the future.

      2) Finding the pieces of the jig-saw, the bulb filaments, fitting vehicles back together, doing the maths, and working out the choreography of vehicles and the whole collision dynamic – telling the story of those that may not be able to ( because of injury, or worse).
      Thank you for your question. Mark.
