• Question: What beliefs did you have when you were younger and have they changed because of your further knowledge of science? (Like evolution, not killing animals etc.)

    Asked by amberdamber to Jamie, Jodie, Kat, Mark, Niamh on 18 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Jamie Pringle

      Jamie Pringle answered on 17 Mar 2011:

      Hello again amberdamber,

      I always believed in evolution, there is so much evidence that is very hard to ignore! Says a scientist..

      I guess being younger you are more optimistic about ‘Im going to change the world’, and then you realise that actually, if you can just done one little bit of good, then you are making progress!

      Being vegetarian is a good ideal to have, I have struggled on and off with it for a long time but presently am eating meat. One of my vices Im afraid.

    • Photo: Niamh Nic Daeid

      Niamh Nic Daeid answered on 18 Mar 2011:

      hi amberdamber

      a tough question….I always wanted to do something to make a difference.. but was (and still am) passionate about the environment and about animals and their welfare… none of that has really changed

    • Photo: Mark Hill

      Mark Hill answered on 18 Mar 2011:

      Hi Amberdamber,

      A very philospohical question. I have always believed in a Christian God. However, I cannot prove God exists. That is faith.

      My wife’s father said a very profound and (I think) intelligent thing. He said that he was agnostic, because he wasn’t intelligent enough to be an atheist. I think that if you say that there either is or isn’t a god, you need to be very good at debating and very sure of your evidence. Why did the miracles happen in the Bible? Well they can all be explained by physics and science, in broad terms, but why did they happen when they were apparently needed.

      I also struggle with the Bibles account of creatiion and the more logical Darwinian evolution theory. I am no where near intelligent enough to give the answers, just my personal opinion, for myself, not for others.

      Well done. This question really made me think.

      Good luck in science.


    • Photo: Katherine Davies

      Katherine Davies answered on 18 Mar 2011:


      I have never been religious, but have always believed in having an open, inquisitive mind, open to other peoples opinions and views. I have learned through science that not every question has a single answer, perhaps not an answer at all, and every persons perceptions should be considered.
