• Question: Do you harm animals in your work? (^_^)

    Asked by bartferraritopgear to Niamh, Mark, Kat, Jodie, Jamie on 14 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Jamie Pringle

      Jamie Pringle answered on 12 Mar 2011:

      I think someone else asked a similar question. In answer to your question – No, because I take pigs from the abattoir; if I didnt bury them they would be sausages instead!

      I should also say that all academic research is governed by strict health & safety and ethical considerations, so any proposed research needs to pass the respective committees before you start to do any research. Animal experimentation is, mostly, frowned upon, although there are some cases in which it is necessary.

    • Photo: Katherine Davies

      Katherine Davies answered on 12 Mar 2011:


      Not technically, no. Although I work with flies, and have to kill them to examine them, they do not feel pain. We minimise prolonged death by killing them quickly, and also make sure they are well looked after when they are alive. Personally, I dont work on pigs etc for decomposition studies, but I know they use ones that are especially bred and killed for the purpose (like meat production), or have died of natural causes.


    • Photo: Mark Hill

      Mark Hill answered on 13 Mar 2011:

      I hope not. Not that I know of.
      My project research uses well practiced social research methods, observations and interviews, so, no is the answer.

    • Photo: Niamh Nic Daeid

      Niamh Nic Daeid answered on 14 Mar 2011:

      Nope. My work doesn’t involve the harms of animals at all. In fact some of the work we do is very much about protecting the environment by finding ways to work out the types of waste thats poured into rivers and potentially cause pollution.


    • Photo: Jodie Dunnett

      Jodie Dunnett answered on 14 Mar 2011:

      No.None of my work involves working with animals and if it did, I certainly wouldn’t harm them!
