• Question: Are you a vegeterian?

    Asked by emmmma to Jamie, Jodie, Kat, Mark, Niamh on 15 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Katherine Davies

      Katherine Davies answered on 14 Mar 2011:


      No, I love my meat. If anything Im more of a carnivore and I don’t eat many vege’s (which is bad i know!) I love the idea of not eating meat, and I certainly would become a vegetarian if I could, but I dont like vege’s so wouldn’t survive very long!


    • Photo: Mark Hill

      Mark Hill answered on 14 Mar 2011:

      Hello Emmmma,

      No. I’m not. I eat very little meat. I firmly believe in animal welfare issues of humane treatment and organic rearing in free range settings. I only really eat chicken and fish (I won’t touch farmed or non-free range food).

      There are lots of very good, tasty, and nutritious veggie foods out there, and if I can run marathons competitively on veggie food, then I can’t be going far wrong.

      We grow a lot of our own vegetables and fruit, to be eaten in season only. That garden has been organic for 32 years.

      I like your question, on a matter close to my heart.

      Well done.


    • Photo: Jodie Dunnett

      Jodie Dunnett answered on 14 Mar 2011:

      No, I eat anything and everything (except mushrooms, baked beans and tomatoes)!

    • Photo: Jamie Pringle

      Jamie Pringle answered on 14 Mar 2011:

      Hello Emma,

      I was for a few years (half my family are) but I am not now, no. Eating meat is not good for the environment as they eat a lot of resources as well as for the animal obviously. A good question.

    • Photo: Niamh Nic Daeid

      Niamh Nic Daeid answered on 15 Mar 2011:

      Hi Emma -not any more I was for about 6 years…. but I do eat lots of vegetables and grow my own in the back garden.
